Thursday, December 4, 2008


I totally felt like I was stealing when I found this great deal a few weeks ago. My first pouch sling! It was on clearance at our local Target for only $7.46!! And the only one in my size. It is so fun and it is reversible. I wore it around the house that night when I got it I was so excited. Seriously.


Unknown said...

Tamara and I live for the Target clearance endcaps. They are the best. We also buy all of our childrens toys for the next year AFTER Christmas when it is all 50-75& off...:)

sarah b. said...

yay! I love your new blog. Thanks for sharing. And that sling is so YOU!

LeapLady said...

Oh my! I am shocked....Gramma Moo would be so proud of you and your tightwad shopping!

annie said...

Target clearance is the place to be on a Friday night! :) There is no one in the store to get in your way and you can enjoy an icee drink and a bag of popcorn for less than $2!